Double-Sided Custom Pet Lineart Necklace
Double-Sided Custom Pet Lineart Necklace
Double-Sided Custom Pet Lineart Necklace
Double-Sided Custom Pet Lineart Necklace
Double-Sided Custom Pet Lineart Necklace
Double-Sided Custom Pet Lineart Necklace
Double-Sided Custom Pet Lineart Necklace
Double-Sided Custom Pet Lineart Necklace
Double-Sided Custom Pet Lineart Necklace
Double-Sided Custom Pet Lineart Necklace
Double-Sided Custom Pet Lineart Necklace
Double-Sided Custom Pet Lineart Necklace

Double-Sided Custom Pet Lineart Necklace

Sale price$60 USD
Material:Sterling Silver
Pendant Size:

Pendant Size




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How to order?

1. Select size and material. 

2.  Upload a photo of your pet's paw or nose print. See examples below.

3. Leave any additional notes in the box that appears below uploaded image

(P.S. paw prints in snow, sand or on any other surface can be used)

We can engrave prints for dogs, cats, rodents, turtles, horses, birds, pigs, hedgehogs, lizards and fish fins etc.

We recommend uploading a photo right away but you can also send the photo after purchase to
Don't forget to add your order number.

Jewelry with your pet engraving - A Forever Memory.

Our professional team of artists will hand-draw a lineart of your pet and engrave it into a one-of-a-kind keepsake that will last you just as long as your memories.